Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It has been awhile

I haven't updated this blog in quite sometime. I wish I could say that I have found my dream job flying new equipment, for a decent paycheck. But I can't. That doesn't mean that I've given up. I haven't. I continue to look for "my job" on a daily basis. I have my hopeful days and my not so hopeful days. If anything transpires I will be sure to include it on this blog.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Update 3

My new site www.mcblairaviation.com is up and running. Yes it will be a work in progress, much like this one. I will continue to update this one as normal.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Update 2

The job search continues. There have been a few leads and I've started thinking outside of the box. I have applied for several overseas jobs flying the Lear 60. A few in Europe, a few in Asia and one in Nigeria. They are all contract gigs, requiring me to be out of the country two or three months at a time. The good thing about these contract gigs overseas is the high pay ( one was paying 8500 euros a month ). There's heavy competition for those jobs as well, so I can only wait around and hope for a call back and continue applying.

Starting next week, I will begin marketing myself as a flight instructor and an independent contract pilot. I have experience operating in Part 91/Part 135/Part 121, so I want to use that experience. To help with that marketing, I have begun www.McBlairAviation.com . Currently there is nothing on the site, but soon there will be.

I have been staying somewhat current by doing some Baron flying for a friend of mine. Great airplane, I highly recommend tyring it out.

Well, that's all the news that isn't from the heartland.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Well, I'm still searching. I have a legitimate shot at a couple of positions, but nothing that is for sure. While I'm in this searching period, I thought it would be good to update my creditials. So, I got my CFII reinstated ( I haven't taught a single student in 5 years ) and I'm checking into getting my MEI ( Multi-engine Instructor ). I'm doing these things to keep myself in the game, for it is a game that I love.

I'll update this if something positive happens.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

There is a reason.

I haven't really posted much of anything lately. The reason is, I haven't been flying. I was told just a few days before Christmas that I, along with another pilot, were being down sized. So the search to find a new flying position started. Not a great time to look for an aviation position.

My time involved in corporate aviation was challenging and interesting. I hope to find something similar to that in the future. Flying the Lear 60 was an absolute joy and I would love to find a position flying something similar. At this point, however, I'm considering everything. I have applied at regional airlines, other corporations and cargo companies. Nothing has appeared, but I remain hopeful.

I will update this if and when something in my career changes.